All Issue

2018 Vol.34, Issue 3

Research Article

30 November 2018. pp. 349-362
This paper focuses on studying the conjunctive and disjunctive coordination of DP phrases in Korean, primarily focusing on the conjunctive meaning derived from DP disjunction phrases coordinated by -(i)na. Conjunction and disjunction are logical operators and when they are used in a natural language, they amount to a meet operator and a join operator respectively. This leads to an assumption that the domains they operate on form a boolean lattice structure, which instantly raises a question regarding the operators' function on the type individuals. Especially, the conjunction of type noun phrases is strongly associated with the issue of plurality and distributivity/collectivity. This paper adopts Winter (2001)'s boolean approach on conjunctive DP phrases, which forms a base for the discussion of the conjunctive meaning from -(i)na disjunction phrases. This paper proposes that -(i)na has only a collective conjunction phrase as its scalar competitor but not a distributive one, which leads to -(i)na phrases' prevalent generation of conjunctive meanings compared to other disjunctive items such as or in English. (University of Ulsan)
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  • Publisher :The Modern Linguistic Society of Korea
  • Publisher(Ko) :한국현대언어학회
  • Journal Title :The Journal of Studies in Language
  • Journal Title(Ko) :언어연구
  • Volume : 34
  • No :3
  • Pages :349-362