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2019 Vol.35, Issue 1 Preview Page

Research Article

31 May 2019. pp. 39-52
The current study aims at investigating the structural relationships between EFL learners’ vocabulary knowledge and their vocabulary learning strategy use depending upon their level of vocabulary knowledge. For the study, 1,124 high-school students were divided into two groups according to their vocabulary knowledge. The results showed that there were significant differences in the students’ vocabulary learning strategy use according to their vocabulary knowledge, and that three factors for high-level students (context use, repetition in writing, and learning range of words) and two for those in low level (meaning checking and learning range of words) had direct influence on the enhancement of their vocabulary knowledge, and other factors in each level exerted indirect influence through the direct factors. Teaching implications are discussed.
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  • Publisher :The Modern Linguistic Society of Korea
  • Publisher(Ko) :한국현대언어학회
  • Journal Title :The Journal of Studies in Language
  • Journal Title(Ko) :언어연구
  • Volume : 35
  • No :1
  • Pages :39-52