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2022 Vol.38, Issue 1 Preview Page

Research Article

31 May 2022. pp. 53-72
This study aims to analyze the continuity of the reading materials in elementary schools’ 5th and 6th grade English textbooks based on the 2015 Revised National Curriculum. A corpus of reading materials was built from five English textbooks of each grade and it was analyzed using Coh-Metrix, an automated web-based corpus analysis tool. The Coh-Metrix indices used for this study can be classified into descriptive indices, syntactic complexity, and syntactic pattern density. The results of this study are as follows. First, there was a statistically significant difference between textbooks in the number of sentences in comparison among publishers. There was no statistically significant difference among textbooks in syntactic complexity and syntactic pattern density. Second, it was found that the 5th-grade reading passage was syntactically more complex than the 6th-grade in some variables. Some suggestions for future textbook development were also discussed.
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  • Publisher :The Modern Linguistic Society of Korea
  • Publisher(Ko) :한국현대언어학회
  • Journal Title :The Journal of Studies in Language
  • Journal Title(Ko) :언어연구
  • Volume : 38
  • No :1
  • Pages :53-72