About This Journal
THE JOURNAL OF STUDIES IN LANGUAGE was launched in 1984. The Journals are published on a quarterly basis, 4 times a year. This Journal has been one of the KCI Accredited Journals since 2002 and indexed in the Korea Citation Index (KCI). Manuscripts should be submitted via the Journal & Article Management System (JAMS): https://mlsk.jams.or.kr/ Any inquiries can be sent by an e-mail to mlsk1984@daum.net
Aims and Scope
The Journal covers all areas of theoretical and applied linguistics, which has an immediate bearing upon thought and practice in the relevant field. The task of the Journal is to encourage language specialists and researchers as well as linguists to organize and present their material in such a way as to highlight its implications, thereby influencing theorists and practitioners and leading to promising outcomes for readers.
Editorial Office & Publisher
THE MODERN LINGUISTIC SOCIETY OF KOREA 121, Daehak-ro, Nonsan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, 32992, Republic of Korea.
- ■ Tel. 041-730-5355
- ■ E-mail mlsk1984@daum.net
- ■ Website http://mlsk.or.kr
Publisher Information
- ■ President Sujung Woo (Konyang University)
- ■ Editor-in-Chief Myunsun Kwak (Daejeon University)
- ■ Manuscript Editor Hyein Chong (Chungnam National University)