Instructions for Authors
Publication type
In principal, manuscripts should be considered to be the original work and can’t be published in other registered journals. Manuscripts should cover the theoretical and applied linguistic field, and they are recognized to be the academic and practical work. The manuscript should have its own creativity, validity and the degree of completion. To download a paper template, please go to the website:
Before the submission of manuscripts, the author should read through “the guidelines of writing a manuscript using paper template”, “Instructions to authors and Ethical Guidelines” and prepare their manuscripts to be written accordingly.
Once the author submits their manuscript, the editorial board considers the manuscript to be well-written accordingly. If not, the editorial board can reject the submission of manuscripts and at any stage of the reviewing period, the manuscripts can be rejected for publication. To view the details of Ethical Guidelines, please go to the website:
Submission fees
Two kinds of the Submission fees are as below.
- ■ Admission Fee: 30,000 Korean won (only for a new member)
- ■ Membership Fee (Yearly): 30,000 Korean won
- ■ Review Fee: 60,000 Korean won.
Page charges for publication
Publication Fee: 200,000 Korean won, and if exceeding 15 pages (A4), 20,000 Korean won is charged per a page. Any paper with a research grant under/over 5,000,000 Korean won is 300,0000 and 400,000 respectively.
Address to submit, contact info on inquiry
Manuscripts should be submitted via the Journal & Article Management System (JAMS): Any inquiries can be sent by an e-mail to
Peer review process
All articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymised refereeing by at least three anonymous referees. After the peer review process, the Editor-in-Chief collects the reviewers’ overall opinions and makes a final decision.