Research Article
Despite the increasing use of loanwords in Korean, the psycholinguistic differences between processing loanwords and native words remain understudied. This study compares the processing of loanwords (e.g., 세일즈맨) and native words (e.g., 영업사원) during Korean sentence reading using an online self-paced reading task with 96 native Korean readers. The slower recognition of loanwords compared to native words, regardless of participants' reading skills, suggests that there exists a categorical distinction between loanwords and native words in the mental lexicon of Korean readers. However, no significant difference was observed in sentence comprehension times between loanwords and native words, indicating that, despite the difference in lexical processing, the use of loanwords does not necessarily hinder sentence reading.
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- Publisher :The Modern Linguistic Society of Korea
- Publisher(Ko) :한국현대언어학회
- Journal Title :The Journal of Studies in Language
- Journal Title(Ko) :언어연구
- Volume : 40
- No :3
- Pages :289-301
- DOI :